Hardy on a Sony PCG-TR5GP
Installing Ubuntu’s latest LTS on this portable machine was very easy. nearly every device was identified properly.
The only major issue was sound. i had to disable the external amplifier to get audio on the speakers. this was done by installing gnome-alsamixer. simply running it then untick the enable external amplifier option gave sound. next is the webcam.
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 054c:0107 Sony Corp. VCC-U01 Visual Communication Camera
apparently after searching. nobody has successfully setup this particular webcam.. oh well.. will have to do without it.
Then comes the decoration. i enabled extra visual effects. installed the compiz manager. add the number of desktops to 4. enabled the Desktop and Rotate Cube plugins. and we now have a wicked desktop. 😀
i used BuuF-Deuce-iconsets