Lastweek when spinning up an AWS Instance, I was greeted with an Official Ubuntu 16.04 image.. naturally I would use this image for the new service we were planning.. As all new services we deploy, we run them on Docker. One practice we do in our AWS Docker setup is to store all images in EBS as /mnt/docker.. I’m not going into details of the advantage of this setup.. but usually it is simply modifying the /etc/defaults/docker file setting DOCKER_OPTS="-g /mnt/docker" .

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THIS VACANCY IS NO LONGGER ACTIVE Awalnya hanya menjalankan bisnis di bidang infrastruktur telekomunikasi, kini Qdc Technologiesjuga menjalankan bisnis konstruksi infrastruktur power di Indonesia. Salah satu achievement dicapai oleh team saya di Qdc Technologies adalah membangun infrastruktur IT berbasis Open Source yang cukup handal untuk mensupport bisnis. Team IT ini tergolong team yang dinamis, saya pribadi sangat menganjurkan masing – masing team member melakukan upgrading knowledge khususnya di bidang Open Source tentunya dengan cara “Open Source” juga.

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Laptop sekarang makin canggih ya. Jaman dulu ngebayangin pake RAM 512KB aja udah hebat. eh sekarang Lenovo gue dijejalin RAM 8GB. konsekuensi nya emang musti fresh install Ubuntu 64Bit. Kernel PAE kayaknya kurang greng. tapi sekarang arsitektur AMD64 ini udah menyenangkan koq. Flash bisa jalan tanpa effort yang berlebihan. Emang enak ngejalanin VirtualBox. bisa foya2 kasih RAM ke guest sampe 1GB. Tapi. Omong2. lebay nggak sih. pake RAM 8GB di laptop?

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After upgrading a server from Etch to Lenny, I also decided to upgrade to VMware Server 2. (gym) However I stumbled upon a warning when trying to compile the vmmon modules for VMware Server. None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Server is suitable for your running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)?

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Sering saya deploy production server berbasis Ubuntu LTS yang diinstal dalam kondisi virtual pada host yang terinstall VMware Server. Beberapa bulan yang lalu sempat rame di milis id-ubuntu soal adanya keluarga baru Ubuntu buatan Canonical bernama JeOS, awalnya saya berpikir bahwa distro ini bakal berfungsi sebagai host, namun setelah saya baca informasi di website mengenai JeOS Ubuntu JeOS has been tuned to take advantage of key performance technologies in the latest virtualization products from VMware.

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The server running this website and many more other virtual hosts is a VMware guest running in a Data Center in Gedung Cyber. The VMware server 1.0.3 that powers it hosts 3 other machines without breaking to much of a sweet. due to the availability of VMware Server 2.0. i think it is time to upgrade the host to VMware Server 2.0. the process turned out to be only 34 minutes of down time.

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VMware Server 2

Sebelum lebaran VMware resmi merilis VMware Server 2. Instalasi di Hardy Heron gampang banget. tinggal install beberapa aplikasi dan kernel headers yang dibutuhkan untuk nge-build. sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential xinetd download aplikasinya dari untuk ubuntu bisa pilih format tar.gz. sebelumnya anda harus register untuk mendapatkan license key dan download link nya. extract sudo tar -zxvf VMware-server-2.0.0-116503.i386.tar.gz Lalu install sudo ./ Isi lokasi install, setting networking dll.

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Wisu Suntoyo

Yuk berinovasi.. Teknologi cloud akan membantu anda…

Customer Solutions Manager
